5 Things to Do Before Division Rivals Season Reset

5 Things to do When Division Rivals Season Reset

Hello believers, in this blog post we will know the 5 things that you must do before the division rivals get reset in fc mobile.

So, believers just have 4 days remaining and the division rivals season will reset and if you are making some mistakes then you will regret because you will be missing a lot of rewards and investment opportunities. So, let’s discuss 5 things that you must know about the the division rivals before season gets reset.

Rank push

I know only few of you might be in the fc champion rank and only 1% of you are in the fc champion in all the 3 modes VSA, H2H and Manager mode.

So, make sure to reach at least legendary 1 rank in 2 of the mode. If you are already in the fc champion rank in 1 mode then, you should stop rank push in that mode and try out other modes so that the rewards will be maximized.

Rewards collection

You will do rank push but what’s actually the motive? The main motive of the rank push is the reward right? So, let’s see what rewards we are going to get in the division rivals this time.

In the VSA and h2h mode if you can reach fc champion 3 rank then, you will get these rewards:

  • 6k competitive points
  • 16 advance competitive points
  • Free 2x 90 to 99, 5x 86 to 99 and 5x 81 to 89 Tradable

So, these rewards are too much right? And another amazing thing is it will be double if you can reach another fc champion rank in the 2 of the mode among 3. So, you have a great chance to get a lot of fodder and competitive points from rank push. So, don’t forget to do it.

Take advantage of the division rivals crash

You are getting the tradable rewards from this division rivals right? So, definitely people are going to get different rewards ranging from 80 to 99 OVR players. Specially observation on the 86, and 90 rating players are good as the reward that most people are going to get are 80 to 99, 86 to 99 and 90 to 99 and most people pack minimum value players from all 3 types of packs.

86 and 90 rating is going to crash badly because everyone will try to sell the players they got and there is going to be huge market crash for 100% sure. So, here are all the advantages that you can take from this huge market crash.

1. Protect yourself

Up to some time like 10 to 20 hours after the division rivals rewards get distributed there will still be huge supply especially in the 86 to 90 rating players and they are surely going to drop as supply means drop in price which we usually say crash right? So, your first task is to protect yourself.

First is, before the division rivals’ rewards get distributed you should not have any of the 86 to 90 rating tradable players even I would suggest all you not to keep 91, 92, 93 and 94 rating tradable players because some people will pack them too but in little amount since the pack is 86 to 99 and 90 to 99.

So, the crash will be on every player but a huge crash will be in the 86 to 90. So, don’t keep those players. Now, don’t be silly and sell them now. I mean you can sell them 24 hours before the rewards will be distributed. For now, you can keep them and enjoy either in the squad or if it’s the investment then, of course, you can sell when you get profit and reinvest up to 24 hours before division rivals rewards get updated. 

And when the rewards division rivals are just about to reset and the countdown reaches you have to log in to the game to receive rewards because you can sell them instantly to earn more profit. If you do 1 refresh delay also they are going to drop hugely and you will lose some amount of coins. 

2. Investment in 90 rating players.

Once the rewards get distributed, after something around 10 to 20 hours the demand on them will be back though it depends on the market and we have to observe these things.

Anyway, when the supply will get a little lower like 5 to 20, it’s good to invest because you can invest in the minimum price cap and that will ensure your profit.

You can do it in any crash players like 90, 91, 92 or anyone which is totally dependent on the market and I will surely give you information on it, don’t worry but you should not be dependent on me. 

3. Utilize the glitch.

Since there is 86 to 99 and 90 to 99 rating pack involved in the reward, definitely the 86, and 88 rating players is also going to get crash and they might get some few amount of coins drop so, In case if 88 rated players drop below 850k coins then, obviously you can purchase 88 rating players and perform this 88 rating coins exchange pack but I hope EA will not fix that glitch.

Anyway, there is still some possibility to earn instant coins through that glitch, so you can definitely do it in case it works.

Utilization of the Advance competitive points and competitive points

Once you receive the competitive and advanced competitive points you can utilize it in different rewards through the division rivals exchange but also anyone can use that points but the proper utilization is the important thing that you need to keep in mind.

Since on the next 27 June, the division rivals exchange rewards are going to get update with the euro players there will be a crash in some of the euro and tots players too as both of the players will be there. Before there was only tots player but in this 27th June update you will see mixed of TOTS and EURO. So, it’s good you observe the TOTS and Euro players.

There won’t be any change in the division rivals exchange packs. So, right now these are tradable packs available.

Certainly! Here’s the updated table without the “Difference” row and with the “95 to 98” range labeled as “Mixed”:

Comparison of DR rewards Before and After Update

Before UpdateAfter UpdateNotes
90 – 97 TOTS90 – 97 TOTS / EUROObserve 90 TOTS & EURO
93 – 97 TOTS93 – 97 TOTS / EUROObserve 93 TOTS & EURO
96 – 99 TOTS96 – 99 TOTS / EUROObserve 96 to 99 TOTS & EURO
95 – 98 Mixed95 – 98 MixedMarket Dependent
This is only for the June 27th DR rewards upgrades. This post will be updated in another reset and you will be notified.

Division rivals exchange rewards for crash investment

So, as the euro players are going to be included many people will try this 96 to 99 rating and even the 95 to 98 rating pack, so, especially 96 rating euros will crash badly and they are going to be good for the investment.

Since 27th June, rewards will be updated, there are crash chances because the people who have competitive points and advanced competitive points will surely try the pack and that can contribute to the market crash of the players that are in the above table.

So, you should sell the 96 rating euro players before the 27 June reset and also the 90 to 93 rating players as they have higher chances of crashing. Also, there is a huge investment opportunity coming out where we can earn a million coins.

Anyway, I will update you with another post in case any market crash happens, for that stay tuned and I will meet you with another amazing post.

Check blog post in video format:

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7 months ago

I just got a 99 rating RM valverde really don’t know if I should hold on to him for more profit. He’s currently at 124mil

7 months ago
Reply to  Anthony

Sell it 10 to 20 hrs before dr update and then re buy after 1 day

7 months ago
Reply to  Anthony

will crash soon

7 months ago

hey bro, I am following you since 5k subs, can you pls tell me should I invest in copa america 99 ovr cf vinicius jr?

Beliver fan
Beliver fan
7 months ago
Reply to  Taran

i don’t recommend that because cf is an out of poisition card that means it will be so hard sell that card back in the market

7 months ago

When will copa Messi and Roberto Carlos rise in price.

7 months ago

Do you know If the 97 to 99 exchange will come like tots?

7 months ago

Hey Mr believer,I just packed 98 laudrop and I upgraded him he’s now 99 OVR he’s worth over 210 million do I keep him or sell him before the division rival crash?