Team OVR Calculator
Your Team OVR
Next Base OVR Upgrade
Add this much rank-up OVR to upgrade team OVR to +1
Next Rank OVR Upgrade
Add this much base OVR to upgrade team OVR to +1
How to use our tool ?
This tool was build to calculate how much base or rank-up OVR is required to reach your desired OVR.
It not only calculates your total Team OVR, but also shows how many OVR points (whether base OVR or Ranks) are needed to upgrade to the next level.
INput fields:
- Team Setup
- Input number of players on your squad. (lineup + benched)
- Total Base (OVR)
- Add base rating of all players from your team.
For eg: UTOTS Messi Base OVR = 99 (Exclude rank OVR such as 100, 101, 102)
- Total Rank Up (OVR)
- Add the sum of all rankup level from your team.
For eg: 104 UTOTS Messi's rankup level is: 5 [105(Rank up OVR) -99 (Base OVR) = 5]
What’s the best way to raise your Team OVR in EA FC Mobile?
This season, you have two options to boost your Team OVR: Rank up your players to increase their levels, or swap them out for higher OVR players to raise your overall team rating.
What is the highest OVR player card in FC Mobile 25?
The highest OVR player cards in FC Mobile 25 is constantly changing, as each new event typically brings in players with higher OVR's than those from previous events. Icon players cards usually hold the highest OVR's.
What is the highest possible OVR team in FC Mobile 25?
The current highest OVR team in FC Mobile is 110, but this will change when EA releases 106+ OVR players cards in upcoming events.